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August 10, 2010


Joseph Fouche

The Svechin post was the Waterloo (so far) of the series. There was so much in Strategy that I was having a hard time stuffing it into a single post. Megalomania drove me to envision a giant Svechin Neglected Strategist series but laziness stymied it since I can't cut and paste from my copy of Strategy.

I look forward to future installments.


I think if you do a bunch of medium-length posts with different people it works. You're right that it's difficult to accurately express a given theorist's legacy in anything less than a 20-page essay (The Makers of Modern Strategy) format.

Next, I think, will might be Rudolf von Caemmerer or Robert Leonhard. By the way, I downloaded your copy of Burnham to my iPhone, and am reading along. Great stuff.

Joseph Fouche

Burham is a steely eyed missle man.


Burnham would make a nice pilot of a giant robot.

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You're right that it's difficult to accurately express a given theorist's legacy in anything less than a 20-page essay (The Makers of Modern Strategy) format.

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