Having promised Lauren that I would find some way to work this glorious YouTube video into a post, I will now do so.
Observe this helpless and terrified cat, trapped on a Roomba vacuum careening around a kitchen. This cat definitely is not going to get a cheezburger, no matter how many times it asks. Matter of fact, I'm not quite sure how it will get off the Roomba that it has been precariously perched on.
This is the vision of strategy that sometimes is offered as a criticism of Clausewitzian views of strategy--e.g. in practice strategy is as confused and irrational as a cute cat trapped on a Roomba moving around a kitchen while gangsta rap plays in the background. Eliot Cohen dubs this view "strategic nihilism." Such a view, Cohen observes, denies the purposefulness of war and substitutes rampaging warriors for professional soldiers.
Cohen critiques this view, advanced mainly by Russell F. Weigley and John Keegan, as short-sighted. Beyond A Clockwork Orange-style gang violence, large-scale conflict is rarely simply waged for war's sake. As Clausewitz observed, wars have political (in the full sense of the word) origins and are organized and limited by political, moral, and material factors. While debate continues about the form and process of strategy, it is certainly possible for strategies to be created.
Now will somebody please get that poor cat off the Roomba and hand it a cheezburger?
Minor point, but the black toilet rather belies the fact that this ain't a kitchen.
Posted by: Mooch | February 01, 2011 at 06:50 AM
this cat terrified and helpless, caught in a Roomba vacuum cleaner fairing around a kitchen. This cat is definitely not going to get a cheezburger, no matter how many times he asks. In fact. I'm not sure how it goes out of the Roomba that was precariously balanced on.
Posted by: american gold eagle bullion | February 01, 2011 at 01:06 PM
That is the vision of the strategy that is sometimes proposed as a critical view of Clausewitz's strategy - for example, the strategy of the practice is so confused and irrational as a cute cat trapped in a move Roomba kitchen while the gangsta rap playing in the background.
Posted by: american gold eagles | February 04, 2011 at 08:17 AM
The cat still lucky because he's still alive and the one who took this video should be punished due to animal cruelty.. I guess...
Posted by: essay service | January 31, 2012 at 01:17 PM